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We exist to fulfill

our commitment

with sustainability


Solví Essencis has ​​in its DNA the commitment to protect the environment, working to meet the basic needs of society and committing to leaving a sustainable legacy for future generations. With safety, quality in the services provided, integrity, teamwork, innovation, social and environmental responsibility and partnerships, we always seek the best market practices, offering essential solutions for life.

Working in the areas of treatment, destination and recovery of waste, we contribute to sanitation and public health in cities. We added more than 60 UVSs - Sustainable Valorisation Units, in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Argentina, and each one of them, together with its environmental contribution, will allow us to be a network capable of changing the future of the planet.


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Quem somos

+50 years

of market experience

+50 years

of market experience

+50 years

of market experience

+50 years

of market experience

We are in

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nossos serviços
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Promote environmental awareness and protect our planet. Discover our environmental education projects.

Environmental education

Find out about the advantages of multi-technology plants in optimizing processes and reducing environmental impacts.

multi-technology plant

Adopt circularity and contribute to the preservation of the environment. Discover our sustainable solutions.



Integrated Multitechnology for waste management, as we generate wealth for society, the environment and your business.

Sustainable Valorization Unit

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Latest news

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Extreme weather events and why they are happening

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BIOE: renewable energy and gas

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What is an energy recovery unit?


Solvi Essencis acts with ethics and recognized competence in the management of engineering solutions for life.
To maintain this objective, it is not enough to offer the best services., but it is also necessary to maintain unrestricted respect for the environment and society, in addition to an irreproachable attitude towards all our Stakeholders

The Group develops theSustainable Integrity Program (PIS), which consists of initiatives to disseminate and strengthen the principles defined in the Code of Conduct and the Anti-Corruption Policy, which are tools that guide daily decisions and actions. Everyone at Solvi is committed to acting as multipliers and supporters for new employees in understanding, monitoring and using them, alerting them to potential violations.

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Get in touch withsolve

Our commercial analysts are ready to help your company with the best environmental solutions.

Other contacts

PO Box No. 31.256 - São Paulo - SP
DPO Solvi:
Brazil: 0800 721 0742

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