Braskem, Antilhas and Solví create 100% recyclable packaging
Innovation ecosystem created by companies aims to boost the circular economy, from product conception to its reinsertion in the production chain
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Fintech for waste collection in the periphery raises R$10 million with a fund from the Solví Group
The startup Coletando should expand its business model and enter other areas. To this end, it is in negotiations with city halls, supermarkets and residential condominiums
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Federal Government announces program to reduce methane gas emissions
The country is the fifth largest emitter of gas in the world. Biomethane production is one of the alternatives. Discover UVS Solví Essencis Caieiras, promising for this solution.
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Biogas and its Energy Valorization
Brazil is still in its infancy to take advantage of the potential that landfills present for the development of sources of energy, income and jobs, in addition to protecting the environment. The good news is that there are good examples in several regions, so it is possible to move forward.
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Public Cleaning Magazine Ed. No. 105
Solví campaign encourages women to work in roles occupied by men
To encourage the female public in the month of celebration of International Women's Day, the Solví Group – a company committed to waste solutions and energy recovery – created a campaign aimed at employees who work in roles considered masculine.
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Recycling is the future of electric batteries
Reverse logistics is a series of actions that enable the collection and return of waste, with reuse in any other production cycle with appropriate final destination.
“This point of attention with lithium is a challenge that requires local solutions, without large displacements of the product”, believes Ariane Mayer.
Tax Recovery as a Strategy
O processo funciona por meio da eliminação de produtos fabricados e não comercializados; uma forma legal de reaver impostos pagos ao erário público.
Confira os cinco canais onde a Gestora do Incinerador da Essencis Taboão da Serra falou detalhadamente sobre o assunto.
New Song News New Song
UVSs Essencis and Termoverde Caieiras talk about water reuse and environmental conservation initiatives and included the participation of Luciana Gutierres, Environmental Projects Supervisor at the Solví Group. The article aired on June 5th.
TV Gazeta
On July 30th, UVS Essencis Caieiras hosted the Revista da Cidade program on Tv Gazeta to discuss the operation of a landfill.
On this occasion, Ana Carolina Luongo, Environmental Engineer at the Solví Group, talked about the waste route – how a landfill works.
Correio Salvador newspaper
Climate week, which took place in Salvador, Bahia, between the 19th and 23rd of August, heated up the debate on reducing carbon emissions and possible ways to mitigate this global problem.
The newspaper from the capital of Bahia, Correio, approached the Technical Director, Diego Nicoletti, to talk about strategic commitments to reducing carbon emissions through some corporate initiatives that contribute to climate resilience
Interview with Marcelo Socoowki, CEO of Innova Ambiental on Willax Telvisão's Rumbo Minero Program
Interview with Marcelo Socoowski, CEO of Innova Ambiental on the Rumbo Minero Program on Willax Televisão
Important national interview on Willax Television's Rumbo Minero program, where he reported on Innova Ambiental's portfolio of services for the public and private sector and its positive impact on the environment.
In the interview, the international ISO certifications obtained by our Comprehensive Management System were highlighted in fundamental aspects such as service quality, environmental management, safety and health at work and anti-bribery measures that guarantee the good performance of our services; Likewise, he reported the challenges that have worked to promote the sustainability of the different regions of Peru, such as in La Libertad with the RR.SS. Dome and the developing La Joya project in Arequipa.
Waste recycling role in cities
Solví Group in Valor Econômico, in the article "Role of Waste Recycling in Cities" ♻
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UVS São Carlos Ambiental in Campaign to prevent needlestick accidents
Every day, our collectors face the challenges of risks involved in their workday, dedicating themselves day and night, regardless of sun or rain, playing a fundamental role in cleaning the city.
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Solví Group incorporates the ESG concept
Discussions involving environmental issues have evolved significantly in recent years. Today, socio-environmental issues and those related to sustainability in general seek to be addressed from a more comprehensive point of view, with attention also paid to the way in which initiatives in this regard are conducted. The result was the creation of the ESG concept (acronym in English for Environmental, Social and Governance), which, in addition to the environmental and social pillars, brings together the "corporate governance" component.
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Public Cleaning Magazine Ed. No. 105
Francielle Santos, Olympic boxer
Conheça um pouco da História e da rotina de treinos de Francille Santos, hoje boxeadora olímpica na seleção Brasileira, que teve sua trajetória iniciada em Marituba no Pará e foi apoiada pelo Instituto Solví e pela UVS Guamá Tratamento de Resíduos.
Profitable Waste
Discover the potential of Biogas captured in landfills to generate clean energy. The article covers the plants of Termoverde Caieiras e Salvador and Biotérmica Minas do Leão - RS.
Renewable energy has environmental appeal
quite expressive and that is why many companies seek this alternative.
Make room for sustainability
Interview with CEO of Grupo Solví talks about challenges and opportunities in being a national leader in solid waste treatment. Voto Magazine Ed. 145 Dec/2019.
Link Record News
On June 5th, the Technical Superintendent of the Solví Group, Fabiano do Vale, addressed the need and importance of the collaboration of society as a whole in reducing the production of solid waste in Brazil.
Ecoparks are an option to improve MSW management in Brazil
Examples in the country are still scarce and it is necessary to wait for the maturation process of ongoing projects, but the implementation of different technologies in a landfill tends to promote consistent evolution. It is clear, however,
that a previous and extremely important step is to ensure the eradication of landfills.
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Competition can increase corporate venture capital
This Wednesday, the 26th, SMARTie came out at valoreconomico !
In the article, Ariane Mayer, the head of Open Innovation and Sustainability at the Solví Group, talked about the success story with Kemia Effluent Treatment, which was accelerated by the #DesafioSMARTie and carried out the implementation of a leachate treatment station within a of our operations, the Victor Graeff unit of crvr_oficial , located in Rio Grande do Sul.
From waste to energy
A CNN Brasil, no programa PRIME TIME visitou a UVS Termoverde Caieiras em SP para entender como os resíduos viram fonte energética renovável.
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Acceleration projects offer mentoring and financial support.
In the Solví group, an engineering and environmental solutions group, the forecast for investments in startups in 2022 is R$16 million, according to the head of open innovation and sustainability, Ariane Mayer. Among the support channels, it maintains SMARTie, for “corporate venture” (investment of corporate funds in start-up firms); and actions based on project acceleration, such as the SMARTie Challenge, open to any company, and the SMARTie Sessions, an active search for ventures.
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Solví Essencis and MDC will produce Biomethane Gas in São Paulo
Unit in Caieiras will produce 60 thousand cubic meters per day from 2023
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Sanitary Landfill in Simões Filho has the Largest Processing Plant in the North-Northeast
Águas Claras Ambiental's most prominent innovative environmental solution is its Waste Processing Plant. Being the largest in the North-Northeast, it operates efficiently in this type of recycling and produces five types of recycled waste from this waste – boulders, crushed stone types 4, 3, 2 and crushed stone dust.
SP gains mega graffiti on the banks of Marginal Pinheiros
São Paulo recently gained one of the largest horizontal graffiti panels in the city. With a total of 480 m² -of which only 120 m in length-, the work is located on the Marginal Pinheiros, at the height of the Jaguaré bridge, west zone.
Actions to contain global warming
Global Warming is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. This phenomenon, accelerated by human actions, has affected and continues to affect life on Planet Earth.
Therefore, it is our commitment as a company and as a society to invest in practical actions to mitigate and contain the negative impacts of our activities.
With this scenario, Solví, since 2011, has become a pioneer in the transformation of biogas from landfills into electrical energy, contributing to the international carbon credits market, in addition to burning gases harmful to the ozone layer through the incinerator at UVS Essencis Taboão da Serra in partnership with the UN.
Program Under Discussion TV Alesp
On July 17th, a meeting took place at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo to discuss "Electronic waste and its final distribution”. On the occasion, Luci Carvalho, commercial manager of UVS Essencis Caieiras, from the Solví Group, and João Gianesi participated as guests Neto, President of the Brazilian Association of Solid Waste and Public Cleaning (ABPL).
Good morning Brazil
UVSs Essencis and Termoverde Caieiras addresses the topic of Energy Generation from Biogas, the article recorded by reporter Alan Severiano was aired on Jornal Bom dia Brasil on June 5th.